4 & 5-Year Old Program

Circle of Friends Preschool
  • 4 & 5-Year Old Program

    This Circle of Friends program helps to prepare your child for Kindergarten. Children practice problem solving, independent reasoning, sequencing, grouping, sorting and graphing. They learn math, science, social studies, culture, phonics and early reading skills. Each classroom has a weekly theme as well as art and music time where children can express their individuality. 

    • Offers social interaction with other children
    • Prepares child with skills for Kindergarten
    • Includes daily music, art, and learning activities
    • Indoor and outdoor play
    • Teachers are CPR/First Aid certified

    Classroom themes are designed to bring a deeper knowledge of subjects and to foster a love for learning. Ultimately, this program helps to ensure children have the skills they need to be successful in Kindergarten. 

  • Ready to Schedule a Tour?

  • Program Details: 4 & 5-Year Olds
    • Location
      Rooms 111, 114, & 116
    • Before Care Available
      7a to 9a
    • Class Times
      9a to 1p
    • Learning Studio Available
      1p to 3p
    • Frequency Options
      2, 3, 4 or 5 days per week
    • Day Options
      M-F; M-Th; M/W/F; or T/Th
    • Staff
      2 Co-Teachers per Room
    • Max Class Size:
      18 Children
    • 2023-2024 School Year
      Limited Space Available
    • 2024-2025 School Year
      Enrolling Now
    • Co-Teachers

      Offers Individualized Attention

    • Child Safety

      Teachers CPR/First Aid Certified

    • Daily Music Class

      Led by Musical Instructor

  • Ready to Enroll?

  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • How is the Preschool Connected to Manchester UMC?

    Circle of Friends Preschool is a semi-autonomous program of Manchester United Methodist Church. It is located on the lower level of the church building. Brief monthly devotionals are provided by the clergy of the church.

    When is Tuition Due?

    Tuition is due on or before the first of each month. If tuition is paid after the 10th of the month, a $25 late fee will automatically assessed.

  • What if My Child is Sick?

    If your child appears to be ill, they should be kept at home until well. If a child’s temperature is 100.4F or higher, they will be sent home and cannot return unless they are fever free for at least 48 hours without medicine and have no other symptoms. See our sick child policy for full details.

    How Do You Screen Employees?

    All preschool employees go through a comprehensive background check by the State of Missouri as well as Manchester UMC’s Safe Gatherings program. This includes checking local and national criminal records also also ensuring the person is not on the sexual offiender list. Employees must also complete a drug test before their employment begins.

  • Teachers (Room 111)
    • Kristen Taylor
    • Jill Worland
    Teachers (Room 116)
    • Jennie Pegg
    • Lauren Hobart
  • Teachers (Room 114)
    • Becky Bassett
    • Christine Gopi